• 汇龙小学-周芳兰-单元导读课

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    • Saying2


    Please choose one picture and make a dialogue with your partner, the more the better.

    key words:

    1.play sports (for two hours) (since one o’clock)

    2.watch football game (for three hours) (since eight)

    3.do some cleaning (for half an hour) (since class was over)

    4.collect stamps (ten years) (I was a child)

    5.read magazines (one hour and a half) (nine o’clock in the morning)



    What sport do you like?

    To be happy is the most important to me.

    reference sentence1:

    A: Hi, _______.What sport do you play?

    B: _____________

    A: When did you start?

    B: _____________

    A: So how long have you been playing?

    B: I have play for_______________


    playing baseball

    playing tennis

    do some cleaning

    watch football game

    read magazines

    collect stamps
    • 作者简介



    巴金代表作有“激流三部曲”:《家》《春》《秋》。“爱情三部曲”:《雾》《雨》《电》。散文集《随想录》。现代文学家,翻译家,出版家,“五四”新文化运动以来最有影响的作家之一,中国现代文坛的巨匠。   巴金1927年完成第一部中篇小说《灭亡》,1929年在《小说月报》发表后引起强烈反响。主要作品有《死去的太阳》《新生》《砂丁》《萌芽》和著名的《激流三部曲》1931年在《时报》上连载著名的长篇小说《爱情三部曲》。其中《家》是作者的代表作,也是我国现代文学史上最卓越的作品之一。巴金被人们称为世纪老人。

    他于1938年和1940年分别出版了长篇小说《春》和《秋》,完成了《爱情三部曲》。1940年至1945年写作了“抗战三部曲”《火》(共三部,第二部又名《冯文淑》,第三部又名《田惠世》),抗战后期创作了中篇小说《憩园》和《第四病室》。1946年完成中篇小说《寒夜》。短篇小说以《神·鬼·人》为著名。   出于对客死他乡的巴恩波同学的纪念,写了一个“巴”字,作为笔名的第一个字。1958年3月,巴金在《谈〈灭亡〉》一文中说:我的笔名中的“巴”字,就是因他而联想起来的,从他那里,我才知道百家姓中有个“巴”字。 笔名应有两个字组成,得再加一个字,用什么字好呢?正颇费踌躇时,詹剑峰走了进来,见李尧棠似在思考什么,便询问原因。李尧棠如实相告,并说要找个容易记住的字。詹剑峰是个热心人,见桌子上摊着李尧棠正在翻译的克鲁泡特金的《伦理学》一书,指指说:“就用克鲁泡特金的‘金’吧。”李尧棠爽快一点头:“好,就叫‘巴金’,读起来顺口又好记。”随之在“巴”字后边写了个“金”字。

    • Saying2

    Key words:

    1. Water World 2. River Park

    3. Theater 4. Space Museum

    5. City Library 6. Aquarium

    7. Fun Times Amusement Park

    8. Zoo
    reference sentence:


    Sarah: I’m bored. Claudia. Let’s do something different.
    Claudia: Have you ever been to an amusement park ?
    Sarah: Yes, I have . I went to Fun Times Amusement Park last year. Have you ever been to a water park?
    Claudia: No, I haven’t, Sarah.
    Sarah: Me neither. Let’s go to Water City tomorrow !

    • 托物言志介绍


       托物言志就是通对物品的描写和叙述,表现自己的志向和意愿。 采用托物言志法写的文章的特点是用某一物品来比拟或象征某种精神、品格、思想、感情等。要写好这样的文章,就要掌握好“物品”与“志向”,“物品”与“感情”的内在联系。首先是物品的主要特点要与自己的志向和意愿有某种相同点和相似点。其次,描述时,自己的志向要以物品的特点为核心。物品要能表达自己的意愿。托物言志的写作方法,最常用的有比喻、拟人、象征等。

       托物言志,即将个人之“志”依托在某个具体之“物”上。于是,这个赵新建《清塘荷韵》赵新建《清塘荷韵》   “物”便具有了某种象征意义,成为作者的志趣、意愿或理想的寄托者。作者的个人之“志”,借助于这个具体之“物”,表达得更巧妙、更完美、更充分、更富有感染力。如“松、竹、梅”岁寒三友,常用于表示高洁的志向;“泥土”常用于抒发谦逊的情怀;“蜡烛”常用于颂扬无私奉献的精神。   托物言志,是间接表现主观主题思想的方式之一。通过对客观事物的描写或刻划,间接表现出作者的志向、意愿。采用托物言志,关键是志与物要有某种相同点或相似点,使物能达意而志为物核。托物言志常借用比拟、象征等手法。

       托物言志属于作文的整体手法,是以物写人,通过赋予意象某种人格化特征,来寄托作者的某种情感。托物言志(广义的托物言志应该包括象征,这里所说的是狭义的托物言志)是作者通过对物象描写和刻画(托物)来表达自己的某种志向(言志)。如李忱的《瀑布联句》:“溪涧岂能留得住,终归大海作波涛。”作者以不贪恋溪涧而冲奔大海的瀑布表达自己“弃燕雀之小志,慕鸿鹄之高翔” 的豪情壮怀。









    • Reading3


    My first job was at a cramming school. It was three years ago when I just graduated from junior high school and finished the entrance examination. since I had nothing to do that summer, I decided to find a job, tasting the joy of independence. 
    I was responsible for answering the telephone and taking the message. I worked eight hours a day, six days a week. The work was not difficult nor heavy to me and I guess I did well. The most delighted thing was perhaps that I could spend the money I earned all by myself.

    • Practice1

    Let’s talk!

    A: I want to buy an Mp4 for my sister. How about this one?
    B: Hhmmm. I think it’s beautiful but it’s too small. The black one is bigger.
    A: Yes, but it’s too expensive. I don’t have enough money.
    B: Oops! Yes, you’re right. So let’s buy the white one. It’s cheaper and it’s nice, too.
    A: And it’s white, my sister’s favourite colour. I think she will like it.


                 mobilephone                                           car

    • 情境五




    • Dialogue2


     How long have you been skating?


          A: How long have you been skating?

          B: I have been skating since 4 hours ago.

          A: When did you begin to skate?

          B: I began to skate when I was seven years old.

          A: When did you get your first pair of skates?

          B: I got my first pair of skates when I was seven years old.

          A: Is this your first time to skate in a marathon?

          B: No, I skated in a marathon last year.

          A: Do you skate every day?

          B: Yes, I skate every day.


     Ann meet Mike,and asks him what he is doing.

          Liang Xing: Hi, Wang Fei! It’s a long time since we met last. Where have you been?

          Wang Fei: I’ve been to Kunming with my parents.

          Liang Xing: Did you have a good journey?

          Wang Fei: Yes, of course. And we saw manydifferent kinds of flowers there. All of them were very beautiful.

          Liang Xing: Did you meet any foreign visitors?

         Wang Fei: Yes, a lot. And I talked with some of them.

           Liang Xing: What did they say about Chinese people?

           Wang Fei: They said we were very friendly.

           Liang Xing: What did they like best about China?

           Wang Fei: The delicious food and the places of interest.





         Reporter: Jackie, congratulations on winning

         Golden Rooster Film Awards!

         Jackie: Thank you.

         Reporter:When did you start acting?

         Jackie: When I was 9 years old.

         Reporter: So, how long have you acting?

         Jackie: I have been acting for 50 years.



     Winning the skating marathon

          Reporter: Alison, congratulations on winning the skating marathon!

         Alison: Thank you.

         Reporter: So, how long did you skate today?

         Alison: For six hours!

         Reporter: Was this your first skating marathon?

         Alison: No, I skated in a marathon last year.

         Reporter: You’re an excellent skater, Alison. Do you skate every day?

         Alison: Yes, I do.
         Reporter: How long have you been skating?

         Alison: Since I was seven years old. I got my first pair of skates on my birthday from my grandmother…

    • 天上的街市
























    • Grammar2

    Grammar Focus 2




    take off 脱下

    cut up 切碎

    turn on 打开

    mix up混合在一起

    Let me think让我想想


    pour…into… 倒…到…里


    first 首先

    next 接着

    then 然后

    finally=at last 最后

    How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎样制作香蕉奶昔?

    How many bananas do you need? 你需要多少香蕉?

    How much yogurt do we need? 我们需要多少酸奶?

    We need two oranges and two cups of milk. 我们需要两个桔子和两杯牛奶.

    Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? 你喜欢在三明治里放生菜吗?


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