• 荔湾区海中小学-龙凤笑-小学语文一年级下-司马光教学设计(含教学反思)

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    • Dialogue5


    Tony: Daming, can you answer some questions for my homework, please? What’s the population of Shanghai?

    Daming: 13 million people, I think.

    Tony:And is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai?

    Daming: Hong Kong has a seven million people, so Shanghai is bigger.

    Tony: And is it hotter in Hong Kong?

    Daming: Yes, it’s hotter in Hong Kong.

    Tony:And is Shanghai a newer city than Hong Kong?

    Daming: Shanghai is seven hundred years old. It’s an older city.

    • Dialogue6


    A: Do you know which the longest railway in the world is?

    B: The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway in th world.

    A:Do you know where it starts from, and where it ends up?

    B: Yes, it starts from Moscow, the capital of Russia, to Vladivostok on the east coast.

    A:Is it the fastest way to travel from Moscow to Vladivostok?

    B: No, it isn’t.

    A:Why so many people choose this way to travel? Don’t you think it is unbelievable?

    B: No, it doesn’t. It isn’t he fastest way to travel from Moscow to Vladivostok, but it’s the most interesting and it’s also the most comfortable way to travel.

    • Dialogue7

    A: Hello, nice to meet you!

    B: Nice to meet you, too!

    A: Where are you from?

    B: I come from Ottawa, the capital of Canada.

    A: Canada? I have never gone there. Can you tell me something about it, such as some famous interests?

    B: Of course! Canada is in North America, next to USA. It has the most lakes in the world. There are many famous places in Canada, such as Victoria which has the name of the city of sea and the garden, Niagara Falls which is one of the most spectacular sightseeing in the world. In Canada it has two kinds of official languages, English and French.

    A: Oh, it’s so interesting! If possible, I will go to have a traveling.

    B: Of course you can! It’s worth going. By the way, where are you from?

    A:I come from Shenzhen in China. More than ten million people live here. But many years ago, Shenzhen was a small town. Only a few thousand people lived here. Now it is a modern city with fast life steps. I invite you to come my hometown and have a look.

    B: OK! Thank you very much.

    • Dialogue8

    James : Hello, Ben!

    Ben :Hello, James!

    James : If you have a chance to go a country in the world, which one do you want to go most?

    Ben :If I have the chance, I would like to Egypt. I think it’s a place filled with mysteries.

    James : What attracts you so much?

    Ben :A lot of things, such as pyramid that was considered as a supernatural building, Nile which foster the people lived there long ago. You know my country USA has a very much shorter history than it. I want to go Cairo, the capital of Egypt. I want to know the modern life of people lived there. What about you?

    James : If I have the chance, I would like to go to Brazil. You know there are many famous football star in Brazil. And Brazilian have got the Champion of FIFA many times. It’s said that all the people in the country love the sport. I want to have a look and enjoy the passion with the sport of football. You know I like play football very much. Do you know that Brazil is the largest country produced coffee?

    Ben : Yes, I know it.

    James :I really want to I can have the chance.

    Ben: Me too!

    • Dialogue9

    Lingling: What are you going to do on holiday, Tony?

    Tony:We're going to Los Angeles.

    Lingling: You'll love it! I went there two years ago. We had a great time. The weather is much comfortable than here.

    Tony:How long did it take to get there?

    Lingling: We traveled there by train. We left at 9 c'clock in the morning and it took about nine hours. We got there at 9 c'clock in the morning on the same day! And if you want to go, I suggest you can take plane. It will take much short time than nine hours.

    Tony: And who was with you?

    Lingling:My aunt and uncle met me at the airport.

    Tony: And where did you go?

    Lingling:Well, first, we went to Disneyland. It's very interesting.

    Tony: How long did you spend there?

    Lingling:We spent two days there. And then we went to Hollywood.

    Tony: What did you see there?

    Lingling:We saw the homes of the movie stars. And finally we went swimming a lot.

    Tony: Where did you swim?

    Lingling:We swam in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica. It was great!

    • Dialogue10

    Ken: How did you spend your winter holiday, Alison?

    Alison : I went to Australia with my family, and it was my second visit to Australia.

    Ken:How is the weather in winter in Australia?

    Alison : It’s very comfortable, and very different from the weather here, it’s much warmer. In December, Ken:it’s summer in Australia.

    Ken:Did you go there alone?

    Alison : No, I went there with my sister.

    Ken:What did you do in Australia?

    Alison : I had a good time on the beach. I swam in the sea and played in the sand. Betty, my sister, didn’t like the beach at all. She’s not a good swimmer. She visited the zoo. She liked the animals there. She saw kangaroos. She also went shopping, and bought some T-shirt for her friends.

    Ken:Oh, it sounded very interesting. If I have the chance, I would like to go there for a traveling.


    HOST: I go to bed at eleven.

    • Dialogue11

    A: How are you going to spend your winter holiday?

    B: I’m still not sure. I’m thinking of staying on campus, but I also miss my family very much. What’s your plan?

    A:I am not planning to go home this winter. What do you say we go swimming?

    B: Swimming in winter? You must be joking. It’s the coldest time.

    A:I mean we’ll go to the South. What about Florida? The weather is warm there. I hear people there go swimming all year round.

    B: That would be fun. But who is going to arrange the trip for us?

    A: We can book the trip through a travel agency. I know a very good one downtown.

    B: That’s a good idea. But are you sure the agency is reliable?

    A: Here is their brochure. You can read it for yourself. Just take a look at the hotel picture on the cover. What a nice place! Close to the sea. They also offer excellent food and service.

    B: Sounds good. What about the price?

    A: The brochure says the price is reasonable. Let’s go and talk with the agent to find it out. Then we can decide what we’ll do.

    B: All right.

    • Dialogue12

    Ben: Are you going to use your bike this afternoon, Shen Zhan?

    Shen Zhan: No, I’m reading this book. It’s called the Book of Lists. It tells you all about the biggest and smallest things in the world. It’s very interesting.

    Ben:Can I borrow your bike, please?

    Shen Zhan: Well ….. try and answer five questions and you can borrow my bike. One right answer equals 15 minutes on my bike.

    Ben: OK. That’ll be easy!

    Shen Zhan: What is the highest mountian in the world?

    Ben: Easy! Mount Qomolangma.

    Shen Zhan: Which country is the biggest----Russia, Canada or China?

    Ben: Your questions are getting easier and easier. It’s China, of course!

    Shen Zhan: Which river is longer--- the Amazon or the Changjiang River?

    Ben: Oh, that’s more difficult. Er….. I’m not sure. Maybe the Changjiang River?

    Shen Zhan: Which lake in China is bigger----Boyang Lake or Qinghai Lake?

    Ben: Now they’re getting more and more difficult. I don’t know. Boyang Lake?

    Shen Zhan: Last question. Which ocean is the deepest in the world?

    Ben: everyone knows that--- the Pacific. Well? Can I borrow your bike now?

    Shen Zhan: Yes, you can!

    • Dialogue13


    A: what’s that, David? Can I have a look at it? It seems very beautiful!

    B: Of course, you can! This is my photo album! It collects a lot of photos about my travels in different countries.

    A: Let me have a look! Oh, it’s so charming and filled with foreign culture.

    B: Yes, these are some picture I traveled in France, and these are some photos taken in Australia.

    A: What do you think of these two countries? Are there some different?

    B: Yes, they are really different very much, and have their own features. In my view of point, France is much cleaner than India, and the weather in India is much hotter than France.

    A: I think these pictures must be taken in Egypt. I saw the great architecture, pyramid.

    B: Yes , you are right. These are some pictures I took in Cairo.

    A: Which do you like most among these three countries?

    B: I think it’s really very hard to answer this question. Each country has different feature and style.

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