• Period 2 for Unit 2 Things in the kitchen

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    Period 2 for Unit 2 Things in the kitchen

    Period 2 for Unit 2 Things in the kitchen

    Teacher: Huang Guangzong

    School: Qianhai Primary School

    Teahing aim:

    1. Learn some things in the kitchen

    2. Review and Practise the past tense: am, is----was, are---were

    3. Read some short stories about ktchen

    Difficult points:

    1. Help students to change the present tense into past tense:

    Today is Monday-----Yesterday was Sunday.

    Today I play football----Yesterday I played football.

    Today the walls are clean----Yesterday the walls were dirty.

    1. Learn some daily life thins in the kitchen.

    2. Students can understand and read the new words in the story.

    Teaching aids: PPt courseware

    Teaching steps:

    1. Oral practice about today and yesterday

    T: Today is Sunday.

    S: Yesterday was Monday.

    T: Today I play football.

    S: Yesterday I played football

    1. Guess what is it and present the things in the kitchen.

    T: It is big. You can put apple, banana, meat and ice cream in it.

    1. Students put on the earphone and learn the teacher’s ppt for 5 mins

    2. Look at the picture of the kitchen and talk about it with Now and Yesteday. First T-S. then S-T, at last S-S practise

    S1: Now the bin is empty.

    S2: Yesterday the bin was full

    S1: Now the walls are clean.

    S2: Yesterday the walls were dirty.

    1. Students put on the earphone and read the present and past tense exercise

    2. Fill in the blanks and finish the exercise about is,was,are were

    3. Students put on the earphone and read 3-4 stories..

    4. Conclusion

    5. Homework

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    • 标签:
    • period
    • read
    • in
    • learn
    • for
    • students
    • teaching
    • earphone
    • yesterday
    • unit
    • walls
    • today
    • things
    • present
    • tense
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