• 北师大版先锋英语3A教材Unit 2 How much 第三课时教学设计及课件

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                             Unit 2How much ?》第三课时教学设计

    宁夏永宁县第三小学 王丽艳


    • 【教学概述】

    本课是北师大版先锋英语教材三年级上册的第二个主题。根据学情,本主题共需六课时。本课是第三课时。主要学习内容是五个有关数字的单词:sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. 此外,还有一个询问几种物品总共多少钱的句型“How much are they altogether? They are…yuan.”拓展听读环节,让学生初步学会运用“What can I do for you?这个句型。

    • 【设计理念】

    这节课以主要句型“How much is the…? It’s …yuan. ”How much are they altogether? They are…yuan.为主线,按照跨越式英语“以语言交际为中心”的教学理念,抓住儿童语言能力发展的关键期,以语言运用为中心,借助现代信息技术,努力为学生创设理想的英语学习环境,提供丰富的网络资源,以“听、说”为突破口,在课堂上设计了不同层次的言语交际活动,让学生在较为真实的语言情境中进行语言交际,使每一位学生在运用语言的过程中学习语言,提高语言的综合运用能力。

    • 【教学目标】


    • 知识目标:

    1.能听说、认读词汇:sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.

    2.能听说句型:How much are they altogether? They are …yuan.

    3.拓展知识目标:能初步学会运用句型“What can I do for you?”

    • 能力目标:



    • 情感目标:



    • 【教学重难点】

    重点:1.能听说、认读词汇:sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. 2.能听说句型:How much are they altogether? They are …yuan.


    • 【学情分析】



    3.大部分学生基本掌握了询问某种物品价格的句型 “How much is the…It’s …yuan.”


    • 【资源准备】

    1. 教师用的资源:PPT课件、课题组提供的网络资源

    2. 学生用的资源:教材、文具、玩具、课题组提供的网络资源

    • 【教学过程】



    Step 1. Warm-up

    T: Look at this picture,this is a toy store.There are many toys in this toy store.Do you like toys? Now, let’s go to the toy store to have a look..

    Let's chant: Let's Go to the Toy Store

    • (设计意图: 谈话激趣,让学生带着去玩具商店看玩具的积极性来跟唱歌谣,既活跃了课堂气氛,同时也为下面的复习做好了准备。)

    T: What toys are there in this toy store? How much are they? Let’s see.

    Step 2. Review and Lead in

    Show the pictures of toys and key points.

    1.Ask and answer 2.Pair work

    (设计意图:通过复习环节,复习“How much is the …? It’s…yuan.”这个句型,为下面的新授学习做好铺垫。)

    T: Yesterday was Ken’s birthday, his parents and friends bought many gifts for him. Do you want to know what gifts Ken has? How much are they?

    (设计意图:创设情境,让学生带着了解Ken 有什么生日礼物的好奇心来学习新课,激发了学生的学习积极性。)

    Step 3: Presentation

    T: Firstly,Ken says,you must learn the numbers sixteen to twenty.

    1.Students learn the numbers sixteen to twenty by themselves.(Words 2-1)

    (设计意图:让学生自主听读资源Words 2-1,初步感知英文数字16-20的发音,为下面的学习做好准备。)

    2.Show the pictures of Ken’s gifts one by one

    (1) Show the picture of the toy car and key points, learn the word“sixteen”( T: “six”-“teen”-“sixteen”)

    A: What’s this?

    B: It’s a toy car.

    A: How much is the toy car?

    B: It’s sixteen yuan.

    (2) Show the pictures of other gifts, learn the word“seventeen”to “twenty”.


    T: Now,Ken will test us: What gifts does he have? How much are they?

    3. Show the pictures of Ken’s gifts one by one again

    (1) Ask and answer (2) Pair work



    T: Boys and girls, Ken has a new bag.In this bag,there are some new stationaries .Let’s see. What are they?How much are they?

    4. Show the pictures of other stationaries,then learn a new sentence: How much are they altogether? They are …yuan.

    (1) Ask and answer (2) Pair work

    (3) Show

    A: What’s this?

    B: It’s a …

    A: How much is the …

    B: It’s …yuan.

    A: What’s this?

    B: It’s a …

    A: How much is the …?

    B: It’s …yuan.

    A: How much are they altogether?

    B: They are …yuan.


    T: Boys and girls, you did a good job. So Ken says, you can play the games to ralax.

    Step 4: Extention

    1. Play the game 3


    2. Play the game 4


    3. Listen to a text.

    4. Listen to a story,then answer the questions:

    (1) How much is the card?

    (2) How much is the flower?

    5. Listen to a dialogue( talk together),then answer the questions:

    (1) How much is an ice cream?

    (2) How much is a hamburger?


    Step 5: Make a dialogue

    Show the pictures of toy store and stationary shop,then make a dialogue.

    T: Boys and girls, Ken has many toys and new stationaries ,so he is very happy.Do you want toys or stationaries? Now, there are two choice for you.Choice 1: Go to the toy store to see the toys for you. Choice 2: Go to the stationary shop to see stationaries for you.Today let’s know how much are they? Next class,let’s learn how to buy these toys and stationaries,OK?

    Key points:

    A: Hello. What can I do for you?

    B: Hi. How much is the …?

    A: It’s …yuan.

    B: How much is the …?

    A: It’s …yuan.

    B: How much are they altogether?

    A: They are …yuan.

    B: Thank you.

    A: You are welcome.

    1. Model work 2. Pair work

    3. Show


    Step 6. Homework

    Use your stationaries and the sentences what you learned to make a dialogue with your partner.(eg.How much is the …? It’s …yuan. How much are they altogether? They are …yuan.)

    (设计意图:培养学生课下说英语、用英语的习惯。)  附件:课件

    Lesson 3.ppt

    • 标签:
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 设计
    • 语言
    • 意图
    • 运用
    • 句型
    • 2.
    • 询问
    • toy
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