• 鸿图苑小学冼欣宜英语三年级上册U11第一课时教案

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    2. Listen to the radio again and complete the sentences.



    1. LiHao takes a long time to watch films and listen to songs in English because _______.

    2. To learn English, the Language Doctor thinks Li Hao should ________.

    3. Sam is often shy when ________.

    4. The Language Doctor advises Sam to ________.

    5. Oliver forgets his new vocabulary because ______.

    6. The best way to learn vocabulary is to ______.



    • 标签:
    • 三年级上册
    • 教师
    • monkey
    • shop
    • 鸿图
    • 英语
    • 句型
    • 对话
    • 单词
    • tom
    • u11
    • arent
    • are.
    • 操练
    • 小学
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