• 广州市荔湾区林凤娥小学-葛家宁-英语-六下Unit 9第2课时

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    • 情境二




    • Family structure in America

    Family structure in America

    Families in America are currently categorized into threes types according to their structure:
    Nuclear family 
    Extended family
    Nuclear family 
    The nuclear family is considered the "traditional" family. The nuclear family consists of a mother, father, and the children. The two-parent nuclear family has become less prevalent, and alternative family forms have become more common. These include homosexual relationships, single-parent households, and adopting individuals. The nuclear family is also choosing to have fewer children then in the past. The percentage of married-couple households with children under 18 has declined to 23.5% of all households in 2000 from 25.6% in 1990, and from 45% in 1960 
    A single-parent (also termed lone parent or sole parent) is a parent who cares for one or more children without the assistance of the other biological parent. Single-parent homes are increasing more and more as married couples divorce, or as unexpected pre-marital pregnancies occur. The percentage of single-parent households has doubled in the last three decades, but that percentage tripled between 1900 and 1950. The sense of marriage as a "permanent" institution has been weakened, allowing individuals to consider leaving marriages more readily then they may have in the past.
    Extended family
    The extended family consists of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. In some circumstances, the extended family comes to live either with or in place of a member of the nuclear family. An example includes elderly parents who move in with their children due to old age. This places large demands on the caregivers, particularly the female relatives who choose to perform these duties for their extended family.


    • 《爱莲说》教学从何入手
    • »写作特点2










    • Dialogue8


    Michael:Hi! I saw you last Monday. We register together, remember? I’m Michael.
    Jane: Hi, I’m Johnny. Lucky to see you again. This is Lily, my classmate.
    Lily: Nice to make your acquaintance .Would you like to join us?
    M :Of course. I guess you are leaving for the freshman’s lectures, so do i.
    J:Yes,so,how are things going?
    M:Pretty good, but school has been really hectic since i came in. I haven’t even had a chance to breathe!
    L : Me too, you can’t believe how much work we have to finish to get ready for classes. It’s can’t be more complex.
    J : It’s always especially crazy for freshman. hey, what’s your major?
    M: Travel and tourism ,you surely know that!
    J:I think this major should be one in great demand. We study in mathematics.
    M:wow, You must very clever.
    J: Thanks, but I choose that one just because i have a huge interest in math. 
    L:Well,jane want to be a scholar. She really deserve it, does not she? Explicit target is so significant. what do you plan to do after graduation?
    M: uh...I am not yet decided. I’d like to work for a travel agency in this area. what about you?
    L: Well. When i first started college, I majored in physics but later I realized i might have a hard time finding a job in that field. I ended up changing to Jane’s major. Finding a job in a wider area should be much easier.
    J:Programming is a good job. i think you will find it very interesting. they can make a program or a web, enriching our life.
    L:You are right, I can’t agree more.
    M:Have you got a part-time job to support yourself though school, lily?
    L :Well.I am on a four-year scholarship that pays my tuition.
    M:Well.lucky you .
    J:And you? are you paying for school yourself?
    M:Sort of. I work weekends at a travel agency.
    J:Sounds great!
    L:A travel agency? That seems like a perfect experience for you? What do you do there?
    M:I am a tour guide. I show tour groups around the city.
    J:wow, your English must be pretty good then.
    M:Actually they’re all Chinese tourists. That’s why i got the job.
    L:oh,here we are. We must hurry up, byebye!
    J:ya.... see you soon!
    M:See you.

    • 情境三




    • »如何缩写1


    二、要掌握住全文中心和各段段意。 看原文的开头、故事的展开以及结尾是怎样写的,段与段之间是如何过渡和衔接的,理清文章的思路,掌握文章的中心和段意。只有这样,文章的主要情节才不易漏掉,而且中心能和原文保持不变。否则,文章会走样。 
    三、要把握住主要事件的主要材料,删掉次要事件和次要材料。 在压缩和提炼的时候,人物的对话可以改为叙述的方式写出来,细节描写、景物描写、外貌描写等都可以删掉,只保留故事的主干。这样才能达到缩写所规定保留的文字数目。

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    • 国家
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