• 龙溪小学-梁柏添-Unit5 What day is it today

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    • Have you ever entered a competition?

    • Leading in 3
    Who is he??

    He is very tall and strong. 
    He has small eyes and short dark hair. 
    He is a famous 
    Chinese basketball star.
    Many people like him.
    Who is he?? 
    • The first
    1、How many people are talking?
    2、What have they made? 
    3、Who is going to the airport?


    Tony: Mmm ... That smells delicious! What are you making? 
    Betty: Hi, guys! I've made a pizza. Have some! 
    Tony: OK. Yes, it's great. 
    Betty: What's the matter, Daming? 
    Daming: It tastes too strong. I'm afraid I don't like cheese. It doesn't smell fresh. No, thanks. 
    Lingling: Well, I've made some chocolate cookies. Have a try! They taste really sweet.
    Daming: That's much better. 
    Betty: You're wearing a lovely sweater, Lingling.
    Lingling: Yes, it feels very soft and comfortable. 
    Tony: You both look very smart. And so much food! Are we having a party? 
    Lingling: We're going to the airport to meet my friend Sally from London.
    Daming: What's she like? 
    Lingling: I haven't met her, but she sounds really nice. 
    Betty: And she looks very pretty in her photo. 
    Tony: Let's have a look. Hm, yes, I see what you mean! 
    Lingling: And then we're coming back here to have something to eat. 
    Tony: You must introduce me to her. 
    Betty: Sure we will. We'll be back soon. 
    Lingling: See you later.

    • 学习内容



       (1)一元一次不等式ax+b>0ax+b<0(a0)是一次函数y=ax+b (a0)的函数值不等于0的情形。

      根据不等式的特点,灵活采用求解方程: (1)利用一个一次函数;(2)利用两个一次函数。

    • 问题情境一 1



    (1)3x-6>0 (2)3x-6<0






    • The second
    1、What has Betty made? 
    2、What has Lingling made? 
    3、How does the cheese smell? 
    4、How do the chocolate cookies taste? 
    5、Who is going to the airport? And why?


    Tony: Mmm ... That smells delicious! What are you making? 
    Betty: Hi, guys! I've made a pizza. Have some! 
    Tony: OK. Yes, it's great. 
    Betty: What's the matter, Daming? 
    Daming: It tastes too strong. I'm afraid I don't like cheese. It doesn't smell fresh. No, thanks. 
    Lingling: Well, I've made some chocolate cookies. Have a try! They taste really sweet.
    Daming: That's much better. 
    Betty: You're wearing a lovely sweater, Lingling.
    Lingling: Yes, it feels very soft and comfortable. 
    Tony: You both look very smart. And so much food! Are we having a party? 
    Lingling: We're going to the airport to meet my friend Sally from London.
    Daming: What's she like? 
    Lingling: I haven't met her, but she sounds really nice. 
    Betty: And she looks very pretty in her photo. 
    Tony: Let's have a look. Hm, yes, I see what you mean! 
    Lingling: And then we're coming back here to have something to eat. 
    Tony: You must introduce me to her. 
    Betty: Sure we will. We'll be back soon. 
    Lingling: See you later.

    • 问题情境一 2













    • The third
    Keypoints :
    smells delisious 
    taste too strong 
    smell fresh 
    taste sweet 
    feels very soft and comfortable 
    look very smart
    sounds really nice 
    looks very pretty


    Tony: Mmm ... That smells delicious! What are you making? 
    Betty: Hi, guys! I've made a pizza. Have some! 
    Tony: OK. Yes, it's great. 
    Betty: What's the matter, Daming? 
    Daming: It tastes too strong. I'm afraid I don't like cheese. It doesn't smell fresh. No, thanks. 
    Lingling: Well, I've made some chocolate cookies. Have a try! They taste really sweet.
    Daming: That's much better. 
    Betty: You're wearing a lovely sweater, Lingling.
    Lingling: Yes, it feels very soft and comfortable. 
    Tony: You both look very smart. And so much food! Are we having a party? 
    Lingling: We're going to the airport to meet my friend Sally from London.
    Daming: What's she like? 
    Lingling: I haven't met her, but she sounds really nice. 
    Betty: And she looks very pretty in her photo. 
    Tony: Let's have a look. Hm, yes, I see what you mean! 
    Lingling: And then we're coming back here to have something to eat. 
    Tony: You must introduce me to her. 
    Betty: Sure we will. We'll be back soon. 
    Lingling: See you later.

    • 标签:
    • 句子
    • 龙溪
    • learn
    • lesson
    • 板书
    • 日历
    • 对话
    • 学生
    • 单词
    • what
    • unit5
    • today
    • 观看
    • 小学
    • day
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