• 鹤洞小学-卢琳-语文-五年级下册第三组课文单元导读

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    • The first

    1、Who will go to China?
    2、What does she like?
    3、What is the letter for?

    • Rhythm1

    • Grammar3

    Grammar Focus

    动词 be 一般现在时

    一般现在时态经常与 often (经常) sometimes (有时) always (总是) usually (通常)等副词连用,也经常与 every day (每天)every week (每周) every month (每月)every term (每学期)every year (每年)once a week (一周一次) twice a year (一年两次)等时间状语连用。


    一般现在时态分为 be 动词的一般现在时和实义动词的一般现在时。含有 be 动词的一般现在时:

    1 ) be 动词包括 am , is, are 。中文为 " 是 ",这三个词的用法要随着主语的变化而变化。 "am" 用于第一人称单数( I );"is" 用于第三人称单数( he,she, it 等);"are " 用于第一人称复数( we ),第二人称单数和复数 (you), 第三人称复数( they , the families 等)。可以记住以下顺口溜:我 (I) 是 am, 你 (you) 是 are, 单数是 is, 复数是 are 。

    2 )含有 be 动词的一般现在时的一般疑问句和否定句


    a. 变为一般疑问句时,把 be 动词 "am, is,are" 。放在句首, 回答时也要使用 be 动词。如: Am I a teacher? Yes, I am. (No, I am not.)

    Are you his friend? Yes, you are. (No, you are not./No, you aren't.)

    Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. (No, she is not./No, she isn't.)

    b. 变为否定句时,把表示否定的 not 放在 "am,is,are" 的后面 , 其中可以简写为: is not---- isn't    are not---- aren't , am not 没有简写形式。

    否定句为: I am not a teacher. You are not his friend. She is not a nurse.
    • The second

    一、 How will Sally go to China?
    二、 What will Sally look like at the airport? 
    三、 What is Sally's feeling when she speak Chinese?
    四、 Is Sally shy? 
    五、 When will they meet each other?

    • The third
    tall, short fair hair, 
    wear glasses, wear jeans and T-shirt, orchestra, 
    dance music, sports, tennis,
    sad, shy, nervous, fine, sorry, afraid, excited.
    • Grammar4




    1. What's Gina's phone number?

       ________is 3932938.

    2. ——What's _______name?

       ——My name is Tom.

    3. Nice to meet you.


    4. —— Is this ____ phone number?

       —— Yes, it is.

    5. ______name is Mary, I'm ten.

    6. He is Tom. ______sister is Mary.

    7. Mary, where is _______pen?

    8. ——What's the girl's _______?

       ——It's 081029.

    9. ——Do you like ______book?

       ——Yes, I do. Could I borrow it?

    10. This is ____friend, ______name is Mary.


    Please write down their first name,last name and family name.

    Name First name Last name Family name
    Gina Green      
    Linda Smith      
    Zhou Pei      
    Han Meimei      
    Tom White      
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    • 语言
    • 单元
    • 艺术
    • 半截蜡烛
    • 语文
    • 五年级下册
    • 晏子
    • 学习
    • 第三
    • 感受
    • 课文
    • 语言表达
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