• 文昌小学 林照芝 数学 连减的简便计算

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    • Reading5

    • Dialogue8

    Lucy: Jim, which one do you like? The city or the village? 
    Jim: I like the city better. 
    Lucy: Why? 
    Jim: Because there are many tall buildings and cars in the city. In addition, there are some parks, libraries,cinemas in the city. All of these make me happy. How about you? Which one do

    you like? 
    Lucy: I like village more. 
    Jim: Why? 
    Lucy: There is too much pollution in the city. The air and the water are cloudy. It's different in village. There are many trees in the village. They make the air and the river clean. In addition, there are many animals in the village. I like to play with them.  

    • 工具



    1. 叠合法



    2. 度量法

    • Reading6

    • Reading7

    • Reading4

    • Reading6





    Food should be reasonably collocation

    In the social material is rich, the technology level increased today, how to eat more scientific or the healthier to people is the current issue of concern. Someone summarized the current people in eating pursuit as "eat miscellaneous" "eat coarse" "eat wild" and "vegetarian" four characteristics. From the perspective of nutrition, the four characteristics should be reasonable collocation, may be more in line with the needs of the people of all kinds of nutrition in old people. Reasonable collocation is very important.

    • Game2

    • The first listen and answer


    listen and answer:

    1.Has Wei Ming ever have such a fantastic experience?

    Have you ever had ... a fantastic experience?

    Wei Ming has been all over China by plane. Her father is an Air China captain, so they fly to different places for their holidays. "My favourite place is Mount Tai. But I also like the beaches in Sanya." Is there anywhere she hasn't visited? "I've never been to Shanghai!"

    Han Li has been to San Francisco in the USA. His grandparents live there and he visits them every Spring Festival. "I like San Francisco very much because there's a lot to see and do there. I'm at home in Chinatown! " says Han Li.

    Yi Wen has tried western food in a hotel in Nanjing. "Have you ever had Italian food? It's delicious! Pizza has always been my favourite food. But I don't like sandwiches or ice cream; they're too cold!"

    Wang Ming has been to a Liu Huan concert in Beijing with more than 2,000 people. "He's given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out. He's written many songs! He's the greatest Chinese musician ... ever >!" says Wang Ming.

    He Meifeng went to a Beijing cinema to see The House of the Flying Daggers because she's always liked Zhang Ziyi. At the end she got up, and Zhang Ziyi was in the seat beside her. "I've always wanted to meet her. It was my 'dream come true' !"

    Write a short passage about your fantastic experience. The first prize is the holiday of your dreams in England!

    • Game3

    • 标签:
    • 进行
    • 计算
    • 文昌
    • 三种
    • 简便
    • 方法
    • 算法
    • 选择
    • 学生
    • 运算
    • 算式
    • 数学
    • 小学
    • 林照
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