• 24中李嘉仪《窃读记》学案

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    • Reading7

    1.Who goes to buy the meat?

    2.Why Jack said "yes" at last? 

        Tom and Jack are friends. They are going to a picnic on Sunday. Tom says to Jack, " Here's some money. Go and buy some meat." "Sorry, my leg hurts(痛) ,I can't walk," answers (回答)Jack. "You go, please."

        So Tom goes to buy the meat and comes back, He says to Jack, "Now here's the meat, please cook it". But Jack answers, " No, I'm not good at cooking, You cook it ,please."

        So Tom cooks the meat.

        Then Tom says to Jack, "Will you please wash the plates and make the orange juice?" "No", answers Jack again. My hands are dirty, and I don't want to wash the plates and make the juice."

        "Now everthing is OK," says Tom. " Come and eat"

        "Yes, I'll do that," answers Jack. "I don't like to say "No" all the time."

    • Rhythm5

    • Rhythm6

    • Game4

    • Reading6

    My grandpa's hobbies


    1 What are the intersting hobbies of YangMing's grandpa?

    • five

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    • 心情
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