• 龙津小学-梁蕴丰- 语文 -21从现在开始

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    • Practice1





         Tell your friends:

    How do you come to school?

    I come to school ________.

    • Word1

    Lucy's favourite food is beef.
    I don't eat pork. Because I'm a Islamite. ( 伊斯兰教徒 )
    We can't live without salt.
    Eating too much sugar is not good for your teeth.
    Eating too much sweet food is not good for you.
    I don't like any sour thing.
    • Reading6


    This is the twins' playroom. In the room, there are some toy animals – two dogs, three birds and three cats. We can also see a toy lion, a toy bear and a toy pig in their playroom. Look at the window, on the window there is a monkey. Under the window we can see a scooter and four boxes. What's next to the door? It's a piano. On the piano there is a toy ship and a toy duck. The duck is looking at the sky. Under the piano there is a car. Is that a basketball on the sofa? Yes, it is. I think it's Lucy and Lily's basketball. How lovely their playroom is!

    ( 1 ) What can you see under the window?
    ( 2 ) Do you have a playroom? Try to describe it.

    • What's this?/What are these?

    T: Teacher; S: Student

    T: What's this

    S: It's a desk.

    T: What's that?

    S: It's a chair.

    T: What are these?

    S: They are books.

    T: What are those?

    S: They are pencils.


    • Word3


      Draw a bird. Fly a kite. Play computer game.
      I like to draw a bird.   I like to fly a kite. I like to play computer game. 
    Play the piano.

    Do my homework

      I like to play the piano. I'm doing my homework.  
      Draw a bird.   Fly a kite.   Play computer game.
      I like to draw a bird.   I like to fly a kite.   I like to play computer game.
      Play the piano.  

    Do my homework

      I like to play the piano.   I'm doing my homework.  
    • Reading6

    (1) Is it polite to ask other’s age in western?
    (2) What can you say when you want to give greeting to someone?
    (3) How to Introduce the honored people?
    (4) Can you tell the differences between western manners and eastern manners?

    Western Manners


      It is a great help for the person who is learning a foreign language to know some customs of the foreign country. I will tell you western manners. 
      In western, it's impolite to ask others' age, incomeproperties
      If you are wearing a hat which can be taken bold of easily, it is customary to raise it slightly off your head when you greet a girl or a woman. 
      It is customary to shake hands when you first meet someone. And usually friends shake hands when they meet after not having seen each other for some time. However it is not necessary to shake hands.

     It is always good form to use the name of the person you are greeting. You might say, "Good Morning, Mr. White" or" Hello, Franklin.," A person's surname should be used unless he is good friend or school-mate . 
      If you introduce the honored person, you can use the following: 
      ① May I introduce you to Maggie? 
      ② Let me introduce Mr. White, the famous professor to you. 
      If on formal occasion, you may use the following: 
      ① I'd like you to meet my brother. 
      ② Do you know Susan, my good friend?

      If you want to meet someone, it is better to ask a friend who knows him to introduce you. But sometimes at a meeting it is all right to introduce yourself to a fellow-student, or to one of the same sex and position.

    • Practice2





      Tell your friends:

    How do you come to school?

    I come to school _________.


    • What's this?

    What's this?

    • How many?

    • What do you want?

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