• 龙津小学-马洁莹-语文-颐和园

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    • Writing1
    Writing 1 写作范文   
    • Reading4



    Jenny: Dad, I will go to the moon?

    Dad: Do you?

    Jenny: Can I go by bike?

    Dad: No, you can't

    Jenny: Can I go by bus?

    Dad: No , you can't.

    Jenny: Can I go by train?

    Dad: No, you can't.

    Jenny: Can I go by plane?

    Dad: No , you can't. You can go there by spaceship ( 宇宙飞船 ) .

    Dad: Ok! Here, it's time to go to bed .

    Jenny: Ok! Dad.

    A: Hi, Jenny , I can take you to the moon.

    Jenny: Do you have a spaceship?

    A: No, I don't. But I have fix come and take a ride.

    Jenny: Great!

    Dad: Are you o kay?

    Jenny: I am on the moon?

    Dad: No, you are a slower.

    Questions: How can we go to the moon?

    • Reading4


    What a person with good manners does or does not do ?

    We say that a person has good manners if he or she is polite, kind and helpful to others. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But no one likes a person with bad or careless manners. "Yes," you say, "but what are good manners? How do I know what to do and what not to do?" 

    Here are some examples of these things. They tell you what a person with good manners does or does not do.

    He never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind, never cruel, either to people or to animal. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn. He does not push to the front. On the bus, he gives his seat to an old person or a lady. If he, by accident, knocks someone, or gets in their way, he says "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry". 
    He says "Please" when he asks somebody to help. He says "Thank you" when he receives something. He stands up when he speaks to a lady or an older person. And he does not sit down until the other person does. He does not talk or laugh loudly in public.

    • Writing2
    Writing 1 写作范文  

     Try to compare the two characters. You can use these words as followings----------------Smarter, brave, exciting, in China, more famous, in West, favorite

    • Dialogue4
     Is that you, John?

    Mark: Is that you, John?

    John: Yes, speaking.

    Mark: Tell Mary we'll be late for dinner this evening.

    John: I'm afraid I don't understand.

    Mark: Hasn't Mary told you? She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening. I said I would be at your house at six o'clock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work. I'll have to stay at the office. I don't know when I'll finish. 
    Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.

    John: I don't know what you're talking about.

    Mark: That is John , the engineer, aren't you?

    John: That's right.

    Mark: You work for the Overseas Engineering Company, don't you?

    John: No, I don't. I'm John, the telephone engineer. And I'm repairing your telephone line.


    • Reading4

     My Ideal Room 

    Look! I have a nice picture. I draw my ideal room in it.

    This is my desk. It's under the window. My computer is on the desk. My light is next to the computer. My bookcase is near the desk. There are many books in it. My football is between the desk and the bed. My bed is very clean. The toy doll is on the bed. There is an alarm clock on it. My slippers are under the bed. Oh, there are two nice pictures on the wall.

    This is a nice room. I like it very much. Do you like it? What is your ideal room?

    ( 1 ) What is next to the computer?
    ( 2 ) What's your ideal room? Describe it.

    • Writing3
    Writing 3 写作题目  

    短文写作  My favorite character.

    选取自己最喜欢的一个童话人物,写一篇100词左右的文章.题目为My favorite character.
    • Reading5



    I have a plane. Let's go traveling.


    Let‘s fly to my hometown ( 家乡 ).

    Here we are.

    It's too hot here.

    Let‘s fly to my hometown. Ok.

    This is my hometown.

    Oh, It's raining cats and dogs ( 雨下得好大啊! ).

    I am boring.

    Me too.

    Let‘s fly home.

    Oh, dear, the plane doesn't work..

    We can't go home.


    Questions: How do they travel?

    • Word2


    Seven o'clock   Eight o'clock Nine o'clock
    It's seven o'clock   It's eight o'clock It's nine o'clock
    Ten o'clock Eleven o'clock Twelve o'clock
    It's ten o'clock It's eleven o'clock It's twelve o'clock
      Seven o'clock   Eight o'clock   Nine o'clock
      It's seven o'clock   It's eight o'clock   It's nine o'clock
      Ten o'clock   Eleven o'clock   Twelve o'clock
      It's ten o'clock   It's eleven o'clock   It's twelve o'clock
    • Reading6



    Rose: Hello! John, where are you going?

    John: Hi! I am going to TianHe book center .

    Rose: By bus?

    John: No, by underground .

    Rose: On your own?

    John: No, with my Mum.

    Questions: How does Rose go to TianHe book center?

    • Reading7



    Questions: What is Cissy going to do?

    • Reading5

    (1) Who is Kiki?
    (2) How do you make new friends? What should you say or do when you want to make a new friend?

    • Word1
    • Game1

    • Dialogue5

    Dinosaurs lived from about 230,000,000 to 65,000,000 years ago. Dinosaurs varied greatly in size and shape.

    Scelidosaurus 踝龙,属于甲龙类;
    Heterodontosaurus 畸齿龙 
    stegosaurus 剑龙 
    procompsognathus 副细颚龙 
    brachiosaurus? 腕龙



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