• 广州市第四中学-语文-梁晓婷

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    • Dialogue8

    • Dialogue9

    • Dialogue10

    CAT: What were you doing at 8:00 yesterday morning?

    BIRD: Err, I was listening to the radio.

    CAT: What were you doing at 10:00?

    BIRD: I was reading books.

    CAT: What were you doing at noon?

    BIRD: I was having lunch.

    CAT: What were you doing at 2:00 yesterday afternoon?

    BIRD: I was washing.

    CAT: What were you doing at 5:00?

    BIRD: I was playing computer games.

    CAT: What were you doing at 8:00 yesterday evening?

    BIRD: I was watching TV.

    CAT: What were you doing at 10:00 yesterday evening?

    BIRD: I was reading newspapers.

    CAT: What were you doing at 11:00?

    BIRD: I was sleeping of course. I'm bored of your questions.

    CAT: I'm sorry. I'm interested in knowing all this. You are doing different things at different time yesterday.

    BIRD: Yes. What were you doing yesterday, darling?

    CAT: Yesterday I was sleeping all the time besides sitting.

    BIRD: Lazy boy.

    • Rhythm1

    • Rhythm2

    I can walk.

    • 标签:
    • 第四
    • 教学
    • 句子
    • 初春
    • 课时
    • 语文
    • 广州市
    • 中学
    • 理解
    • 文章
    • 语气
    • 美的
    • 2.
    • 节奏
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