• 《中国学生发展核心素养》总体框架及相关解读

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    • Reading2

    Who is the tallest and prettiest in the story?
    What did the story tell us?

    • Dialogue4

    Jane: What a nice day!
    Jimmy: Yes, we can go out and play.
    Jane: Good idea!
    Jimmy: What do you want to do?
    Jane: Anything. Do you like to drive bumper cars?

    Jimmy: No, I don't. I like to go to the movies. What about you,Jane?
    Jane: I like to go to the movies,too!
    Jimmy: ok, Let’s go

    • Reading3

    What is the story about?
    What do you think of Mr. foolish?

    • 中国心

                   zhōng guó xīn 

                     中  国  心
    wǒ men de zǔ guó bǎo jīng cāng sāng ,lì jìn mó nán ,

    我 们  的  祖 国  饱   经   沧    桑, 历  尽  磨  难,
    ér zhōng huá ér nǚ ,tā men yòng yī gǔ gǔ háo qíng ,

    而   中   华 儿  女, 他  们  用  一 股 股 豪   情,
    yī piàn piàn zhōng xīn ,fā chū le yī shēng shēng de nà hǎn ,

    一   片  片   忠    心,  发 出 了  一  声     声  的  呐  喊,
    shū xiě le yī shǒu shǒu de zhuàng gē 。zhèng shì 

     抒  写 了 一  首   首   的   壮   歌。   正   是
    yǒu le zǔ guó jǐ dài rén de tòng kǔ ,xīn suān hé 

    有 了  祖  国 几 代  人   的  痛  苦,  心  酸   和
    xuè lèi ,shù wàn wàn tóng bāo de jiān kǔ fèn dòu ,

    血   泪,  数  万  万  同   胞  的  艰  苦  奋  斗,
    cái yǒu le wǒ men xiàn rú jīn de xìng fú shēng huó 。

     才 有 了  我  们   现 如  今  的  幸  福  生   活。
    kàn ba ,jīn tiān de zhōng guó zhèng yǐ jīng rén de sù 

    看  吧,  今  天  的   中    国   正  以   惊  人  的 速
    dù xiàng qián fēi bēn ,jīng jì fēi sù fā zhǎn ,kē 

    度   向   前   飞   奔,   经 济  飞 速 发  展,  科
    jì shuò guǒ lèi lèi ,jiāo yù rì xīn yuè yì ,tǐ 

    技  硕   果  累  累,  教   育  日 新  月  异,体
    yù tū fēi měng jìn :08ào yùn de chéng gōng jǔ bàn ,

    育 突 飞   猛    进:08 奥 运 的   成    功  举  办,
    shén zhōu 7hào de shēng kōng ,shàng hǎi shì bó huì de 

     神   州  7号   的  升    空,   上   海  世  博  会  的
    yuán mǎn luò mù ,guǎng zhōu yà yùn huì de jǔ 

    圆   满  落   幕,  广    州  亚  运 会  的 举
    háng ……zhōng guó ,duō cì chéng wéi shì rén zhǔ mù 

     行……    中   国,  多 次  成   为   世  人  瞩  目
    de jiāo diǎn ,wǒ men zì háo wàn fèn 。zhè shì zhōng 

    的  焦 点,     我 们  自 豪   万 分。   这  是  中
    huá ér nǚ zhì huì de jié jīng ,zhè gèng lí bú kāi 

    华  儿 女  智  慧 的  结  晶,   这   更  离 不 开
    tā men nà kē zhōng guó xīn 。

    他  们 那 颗   中   国  心。


    • Dialogue5

    Tom: Hi, Linda.
    Linda: Hi, Tom.
    Tom: What's your hobby?
    Linda: I enjoy listening to music very much.
    Tom: I love music too. I listen to the radio everyday.
    Linda: You know, I never hesitate while buying CDs and recording I like.
    Tom: What kind of music is your favorite?
    Linda: I love pop songs. Classical music is also very much to my taste.
    Tom: I'm crazy about country music and folk songs.

    • Reading4
    The lowest animal  (1)
    By Mark Twain 
    Man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his country-takes possession of it and drives him out of it or destroys him. Man has done this in all the ages. There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by force and bloodshed.    
    Man is the only Slave. And he is the only animal who enslaves. He has always been a slave in one form or another, and has always held other slaves in bondage under him in one way or another. In our day he is always some man's slave for wages, and does the man's work; and this slave has other slaves under him for minor wages, and they do his work. The higher animals are the only ones who exclusively do their own work and provide their own living.     
    Man is the only Patriot. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people's countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of man"-with his mouth.   
    • 标签:
    • 中国学生
    • 学生
    • 社会
    • 重点是
    • 总体
    • 素养
    • 核心
    • 具有
    • 内涵
    • 框架
    • 研究
    • 发展
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