• 蒋光鼐纪念小学-黄孝儒-英语-Whose rabbits are these?

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    One day, the weather(天气) was sunny (晴朗的). Ann, Ken and Mocky went to the street. There were many shops on the street. In a toy shop, Ken bought a kite and a robot. The kite was 8 yuan. The robot was 11 yuan. So they altogether cost Ken 19 yuan. When Ken and Ann were talking to the saleswoman, Mocky went to another shop next to the toy shop. At this time, he is walking to them. Suddenly, Ken and Ann found a thief were stealing money from the saleswoman’s money box. They shouted out: “thief! Thief!stop thief!” The thief was ready to run away. At this time , Mocky stuck (伸出) his foot out and tripped(绊倒) him. They all praised Mocky:"Well done! Mocky. Well done!"

    • 标签:
    • 进行
    • 纪念
    • rabbits
    • 特征
    • 运用
    • 动物
    • 英语
    • 句型
    • whose
    • 描述
    • 学生
    • 小动物
    • 小学
    • 本课
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