• 三元坊小学-黄绮雯-语文-女娲补天

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    • Reading5

    Zhang: Let's go to the McDonald's. I treat.

    Cheng:Really. That's wonderful!

    waiter: Yes, sir. What will it be for you?(what would you like?)

    Cheng:A hamburger, French fries and a glass of Coke.

    Zhang: An apple pie, salad, an ice-cream.

    waiter:Is this to go or to eat here?

    Zhang: We'll eat here.

    waiter: That's thirty eight dollars. Here you are.

    • Reading6

    • Reading7

    Mom: Do you like this blue skirt, Lily?
    Lily: No, I don’t. I don’t like blue. I like pink. Mom, I want this pink dress.
    Mom: It’s nice. I like it too

    • Reading2


    The ChaoYang Park

        Welcome to Chaoyang Park. It is a beautiful and big park. You can see many trees, many beautiful flowers and many birds. The sky is blue. The trees are green. The flowers are red. The lake is clear. There are many people. Some people are boating. And some people are having a picnic. The others are playing games. There is a girl sitting on a chair reading a book. They are having a good time!(他们玩的很高兴)

    • Reading8


    Saleswoman: May I help you?

    Susan: Yes, please, I want a gift for my father, but I don't know what to get.

    Saleswoman: How about a nice shirt?

    Susan: No, I only have 3.00 dollar.

    Saleswoman: Oh, here are some ties. They are at a clearance sale.

    Susan: Can I have this one?

    Saleswoman: Sure. Here are you.

    Susan: The color is a bit bright.Will there be anything else?

    Saleswoman: How about this one? We sell a lot of these.

    Susan: This one is beautiful. My father likes red and white tie.

    Susan: How much is this red and white tie?

    Saleswoman: That's exactly $ 3.00.

    Susan: I'll take it. Here is the money.

    Saleswoman: Here is your tie. Thank you.

    • 标签:
    • 神话故事
    • 想象
    • pt
    • 语文
    • 女娲补天
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 三元
    • 女娲
    • 生字
    • 课文
    • 人们
    • 小学
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