• 荔湾区蒋光鼐纪念小学-关咏诗-语文-爱迪生救妈妈

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    • Dialogue1

    A: What are you watching?

    B: A video about a famous president.

    A: Who's that?

    B: It's Abraham Lincoln. He was a great president of U.S.A, you know.

    A: What did he do? Why was he so great?

    B: Well, I can tell you about President Lincoln. He was a great leader. He was strongly against slavery and wanted to build a free state for all people. In 1860, he became President of the United States . Soon the American Civil War broke out. Under his leadership, the north won the war which lasted four years.

    A: Could he do that? Did he free all the slaves?

    B: Yes, All the slaves were set free.

    A: I think he loved the people and the people loved him.

    B: Right! But Lincoln was killed by his enemies soon after he became President for the second time. The whole country was very sad at the news of his death.

    A: Oh, what a pity!

    B: Abraham Lincoln is now considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents and will be remembered forever.

    • Dialogue2

    A: What are you doing?

    B: I'm reading a book named whoop (呐喊) .

    A: Whoop? It sounds interesting. Who is the writer?

    B: It's Lu Xun. He was a famous writer and a revolutionary of old China .

    A: a writer and a revolutionary? How did he do that?

    B: Well, when China was not established, people in China were very poor. They were baited (欺负) by government and some wealthy. Lu Xun wrote articles to arouse (唤醒) and encourage people to revolt the pressure.

    A: Did he affect all the people?

    B: Many of them. There were many progressive (进步的) youth following him. And he tried his best to help the youth and the poor.

    A: I think he loved the people and the people loved him.

    B: Yes, when he was dead, even Mao Zedong personally (亲自地) gave inscription (题词) for Lu Xun grave.

    A: Really? Shall we go and visit it this Saturday?

    B: All right.

    • Dialogue3

    A: This weekend we will have a reading reporting meeting. What will you introduce?

    B: En, I have learned something about Sun YatSen. Maybe I can introduce him to you.

    A: Sun YatSen? I only know he was a great leader. Tell me more about him. 

    B: Well. He was a Chinese revolutionary and political leader often referred to as the “father of modern China”. He was the first provisional(临时的) president when the Republic of China was founded in 1912. He later co-founded(成立) the Kuomintang (KMT) where he served as its first leader. Sun was a uniting figure in post-imperial China, and remains unique among 20th-century Chinese politicians for being widely revered in both mainland China and in Taiwan.

    A: Oh, that sounds interesting. I’m sure everyone will be interested in it. 

    B: Really? Then I will introduce this at the weekend.

    • Dialogue4

    A: Oh, today is the 100 anniversary of Deng Xiaoping.

    B: Who’s that?

    A: You don’t know? He was a leader in the Communist Party of China. He served as the leader of the People's Republic of China from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. He pioneered(倡导) "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" (有中国特色的社会主义)and Chinese economic reform(改革), also known as the "socialist market economy"(社会主义市场经济). Under his tutelage(监护), China developed one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

    B: Oh, that means, China will not be so flourishing today without Deng.

    A: More or less.

    B: So, let’s celebrate the leader’s anniversary. We should let more people know him.

    A: That’s right. Let’s go.

    • Dialogue5

    A: There will be a picture show of Xu Beihong in the art gallery(美术馆) next Sunday. Will you go with me?

    B: Xu Beihong? I have never heard of him? Did he paint well?

    A: Sure. He was a famous painter. He was considered as a modern master in China, his merging(融合) of Western techniques with classic Chinese approaches was unmatched(无与伦比的). He was particularly known for his traditional Chinese painting of horses and birds.

    B: You remind me that I have seen his paintings before. They were very beautiful.

    A: Yes. How about go with me next Sunday?

    B: I’m glad to. See you next Sunday.

    A: See you.

    • Dialogue6

    • Dialogue7

    A: Have you ever seen watched the movie Forrest Gump?

    B: No, Who’s the Gump?

    A: Don’t you know? Forrest Gump is a very famous movie.

    B: What’s it about?

    A: It’s a story about Forrest. He was born to be stupid than other children, but his mother had confidence on him, and told him never give up. Finally, he did many things as the normal, and even better.

    B: That’s sound very interesting. Tell me more about him. 

    A: when Forrest is a little boy, about six years old ,his momma fights to get him into public school, and as he meets for the first time the love of his life. Jenny. He meets her on the way to school, sitting next to her on the bus, and they strike up a friendship immediately. 

    B: And then?

    A: As Forrest grew up and went through school, college, the army, a Vietnam tour, became a ping pong celebrity, a shrimp boat captain, and eventually one of the richest men out there. He even got to meet the President three times.

    B: He’s really a marvelous man.

    A: Yes, he gave the young a model. That is we can never give up, and persist in what we wanted.

    B: I’ll watch the movie when I’m free.

    A: Uh, it’s deserved(值得的).

    • Dialogue8

    • 1999:澳门回归


    • 体会诗歌中的感情,试着背诵它?
    • 回归的
    • 紫荆花御风而行
    • 璀璨的朝霞
    • 激情奔放
    • 映日的荷花
    • 在世纪之尾喜绽放
    • 晨星的明眸再度
    • 明亮













    • Reading1


    The son of a peasant, Mao Zedong was born in the village of Shaoshan, Hunan Province in China. At the age of 27, Mao attended the First Congress(代表大会) of the Chinese Communist Party(共产党) convened(召开) in Shanghai in July 1921. Two years later he was elected to the Central Committee(中央委员会) of the Party at the Third Congress.

    From 1931 to 1934, Mao helped establish the Chinese Soviet Republic(苏维埃政权) in China, and was elected the chairman.

    Starting in October 1934, "The Long March" (长征)began — a retreat(撤退) from the Southeast to Northwest China. In 1937, Japan launched a full-scaled(全面的) war of aggression(侵略) against China, which gave the Chinese Communist Party cause to unite with the nationalist forces(民族主义力量) of the Guomintang. After defeating(击败) the Japanese, in an ensuing(跟着发生的) civil war, the Communists defeated the Guomintang, and established the People’s Republic of China in October 1949.

    Mao served as Chairman of the People’s Republic of China until after the failure of the Great Leap Forward in 1959. Still chairman of the Communist Party, in 1966, Mao initiated the Great Cultural Revolution(文化大革命).

    He Served as Party chairman until his death in 1976.

    • Reading2

    George Washington, born at February 22, 1732 in Virginia, was a natural(天生的) leader. He was the first president of the United States of America, and is affectionately (亲切地)honored as "the father of his country."

    After his twenty-second birthday, Washington served in the army of King George III of England and was put in command(掌握、指挥) of a troop(军队) of soldiers. In the war against the French and Indians, Washington commanded large troops of soldiers and showed courage that inspired(鼓舞) all his soldiers.

    At this time, King George III of England dominated(控制着) the colonies(殖民地) along the east coast. Colonists(殖民地居民) began to want their freedom, and live with a set of rules based on democracy(民主主义), not under the rule of a faraway king. In 1773, a colonial rebellion(叛乱) against taxes(税), helped to spark(发动起) the American Revolution. Washington led and encouraged his armies against the British forces for eight years until the colonies won their independence.

    Laws for the new country were written into the Constitution and the Bill of Rights(权利与自由法案). The laws called for a President, and here again George Washington was considered the natural choice. He agreed to serve his country as the first President.

    • 阿里山


    • Reading3

    Charles Edison was the son of Thomas Edison who was the famous inventor. When he ran for the Chief Executive(州长), he didn’t want to use his father’s report(声誉)to drive himself up(抬高自己). When he introduced himself, he said, I don’t hope some people think I’m using my father’s report to drive myself up. I would rather make you know that I’m just a product of my father’ early experiment.

    • 我会读(筑)


    成语: 债台高筑 筑室道谋


    拼音:zhài tái gāo zhù



    拼音:zhù shì dào móu


    • Reading5

    • 拓展阅读,珍惜生命 远离毒品

    珍惜生命 远离毒品

    小问题:为什么要“珍惜生命 远离毒品”呢?


    毒品已成为世界头号杀手。“吸进的是白色粉末,吐出来的却是自己的生命!” 毒品对人体生理心理危害极大,它损害精神健康,影响消化功能,危害心脏和大脑,长期服食海洛因会引起肺部感染,冰毒致幻觉使行为失去控制,毒瘾使人四肢无力,异常痛苦。吸毒易上瘾,戒毒非常难。由于毒品使人在心理与生理上产生依赖性,使得吸毒者成为毒品的奴隶。家中只要有一个吸毒,全家就会永无宁日,就会妻离子散,家破人亡。我同村就有这样一个家庭,起初他们一家人生活幸福,但后来,这个家庭的男主人和毒品打上了交道,无时无刻都想着吸毒。最后,他被送进了戒毒所。过了些日子,他从戒毒所回来了,他的家人以为他会改过自身,重新做人。谁知他还是挡不住毒品的诱惑,为了吸毒,他把所有钱都花光了,就去偷去抢,他的老婆和他离婚,让儿子改姓。过了几天,他又被送进戒毒所。因为他静脉吸毒过量,最终,医治无效,在戒毒所里死了。一个美满的家庭,就是这样被毒品害得家破人亡。




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