• 广州市第二十三中学-陈颖琳-英语-Unit 7 Listening &

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    Shopping story

           Yesterday I happened to go to one of the shopping malls along with my husband. He wanted to buy a PDA to gift someone and I went with him. We were very busy these days. We decided to finish the shopping quickly and not to waste time anywhere else.

           We went straight to the desired section. We bought a PDA from a reputed brand and we were ready to leave. Then he happened to see "shirts and trousers" section.

           "Will you please wait for a moment. “He said to me. ” I will just quickly have a look at these and then we will rush."

           "Ok. But make it real quick."

           He spent around 30 minutes there and came back with half a dozen shirts. I could see joy of shopping from his face.

           "Let's go."

           When we came on the ground floor of the mall, he saw "Bakery Products" section.

           "Hey...look at those cakes. I can't wait to have some. My daughter likes them a lot. Please wait for a minute and we will rush."

           He came back with a huge packing and some free toys that they were distributing(分配) along with each purchase.

           Now we came towards the final check out point and just then there was an announcement in the mall that they are giving great discounts on some crockery items.

           "That's really cheap. Let me have a look at it. You know...such items are always good to give away in gifts." He said smilingly and without waiting for my reply he vanished in the crowd…

           We came to purchase just a PDA and ended up in purchasing so many things.

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    • 第二十三
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