Computers & Education

  • The use of ‘exploratory learning 普通类

    User interfaces are becoming more intuitive following the requirements of the individual learner and reinforcing the drive towards more personalised learning and greater learner autonomy. There are clearly a new set of challenges emerging for teaching practitioners that will have implications upon not just what is learned but importantly upon lesson planning. This paper explores these changes to teaching through a consideration of an exploratory learning model which allows practitioners to rethink how they teach in 3D and immersive spaces where learning sequences and experiences are choreographed to support peer interactions and exchanges. The ELM extends from Kolb’s experiential learning model to adapt the use of 3D applications, and provides examples from research and development projects to exemplify how the model works in practice. Teaching in these contexts provides less emphasis upon curriculum and more emphasis upon sequencing learning experiences, meta-reflection, peer assessment and group work.

    • exploratory
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    • virtual
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    • environments
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    • learning
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  • Using the theory of habitus 普通类

    The integration of technology by K-12 teachers was promoted to aid the shift to a more student-centered classroom (e.g., Roblyer, M. D., & Edwards, J. (2000). Integrating educational technology into teaching (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill). However, growth in the power of and access to technology in schools has not been accompanied by an equal growth in technology integration. Research into reasons for minimal technology integration has traditionally focused on post-teacher-education barriers to technology integration (e.g., Ertmer, P. A. (2005). Teacher pedagogical beliefs: The final frontier in our quest for technology integration? Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 25–39; Ertmer, P. A., Gopalakrishnan, S., & Ross, E. M. (2001). Technology-using teachers: Comparing perceptions of exemplary use to best practice [Electronic copy]. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 33(3) 1–2; Hew, K. F., & Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 55(3), 223–252). In this paper, I first clarify the definition of technology integration and question the contention that barriers, particularly those related to teacher beliefs, are behind the lack of technology integration. Using the sociological concept of habitus, or set of dispositions, I then explore preservice teachers’ past experiences as a possible explanation for minimal technology integration and discuss implications for future research and teacher education.

    • using
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    • habitus
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    • integration
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    • technology
    • theory
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  • The comparative effect 普通类

    The researchers investigated the comparative effects of individually-constructed and collaboratively-constructed computer-based concept mapping on middle school science concept learning. One hundred and sixty one students completed the entire study. Using prior science performance scores to assure equivalence of student achievement across groups, students were assigned to three groups: a self-selected study strategy group, an individual-concept mapping group, and a collaborative pairs – concept mapping group. Collaboratively and individually-constructing computer-based concept maps had equally positive effects on seventh grade middle school science concept learning as measured on a comprehension test. However, the students who collaboratively constructed concept maps created significantly higher quality concept maps than those who individually constructed concept maps indicating deeper conceptual understanding.

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    • computer-based
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    • maps
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    • comparative
    • effect
    • concept
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  • Engaging college science students 普通类

    Can modern, computer-based technology engage college students and improve their academic achievement in college? Although numerous examples detail technology’s classroom uses, few studies empirically examine whether technologically oriented pedagogical changes factually lead to positive outcomes among college students. In this pilot study, we used a quasi-experimental design to examine whether a technology enhanced research methods classroom led to increased student engagement and academic achievement among college students. Two features generally characterized the technology enhanced classroom experience: specific feedback generated from recordings of small group discussions and podcasts of class recordings. Technology enhanced classroom students demonstrated statistically significant increases in student engagement and improved academic achievement. These findings support previous efforts to use technology to enhance engagement and achievement among college students and they encourage future efforts.

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    • students
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    • technology
    • engaging
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    • science
    • investigation
    • preliminary
    • quasi-experimental
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  • Using mobile learning 普通类

    Mobile learning or m-learning, a relatively new concept, has attracted the interest of educators, researchers, and companies developing learning systems and instructional materials. This study investigated the use of integrating use of mobile technologies, data services, and multimedia messaging systems to increase students’ use of mobile technologies and to develop environmental awareness. Data was collected using “usefulness of mobile learning systems” questionnaire from a sample consisting of 20 male and 21 female undergraduates enrolled in computer education and instructional technologies classes at the Near East University in North Cyprus. Students voluntarily participated in a six-week program using mobile telephones to transmit photographs of local environmental blights and to exchange pictures and observations. Participants learned ways to maintain clean environments and increased their awareness of environmental concerns. Responses on questionnaire differed significantly based upon gender and grade.

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    • environmental
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    • awareness
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    • mobile
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    • learning
    • increase
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  • 3D visualization types 普通类

    This research aims to determine whether the use of specific types of visualization (3D illustration, 3D animation, and interactive 3D animation) combined with narration and text, contributes to the learning process of 13- and 14- years-old students in science courses. The study was carried out with 212 8th grade students in Greece. This exploratory study utilizes three different versions of an interactive multimedia application called “Methods of separation of mixtures”, each one differing from the other two in a type of visuals. The results indicate that multimedia applications with interactive 3D animations as well as with 3D animations do in fact increase the interest of students and make the material more appealing to them. The findings also suggest that the most obvious and essential benefit of static visuals (3D illustrations) is that they leave the time control of learning to the students and decrease the cognitive load.

    • visualization
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    • students
    • 3d
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    • greece
    • grade
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  • The reality of virtual schools 普通类

    Virtual schooling was first employed in the mid-1990s and has become a common method of distance education used in K-12 jurisdictions. The most accepted definition of a virtual school is an entity approved by a state or governing body that offers courses through distance delivery – most commonly using the Internet. While virtual schools can be classified in different ways, the three common methods of delivery are by independent, asynchronous or synchronous means. Presently, the vast majority of virtual school students tended to be a select group of academically capable, motivated, independent learners. The benefits associated with virtual schooling are expanding educational access, providing high-quality learning opportunities, improving student outcomes and skills, allowing for educational choice, and achieving administrative efficiency. However, the research to support these conjectures is limited at best. The challenges associated with virtual schooling include the conclusion that the only students typically successful in online learning environments are those who have independent orientations towards learning, highly motivated by intrinsic sources, and have strong time management, literacy, and technology skills. These characteristics are typically associated with adult learners. This stems from the fact that research into and practice of distance education has typically been targeted to adult learners. The problem with this focus is that adults learn differently than younger learners. Researchers are calling for more research into the factors that account for K-12 student success in distance education and virtual school environments and more design research approaches than traditional comparisons of student achievement in traditional and virtual schools.

    • literature
    • virtual
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    • schools
    • review
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    • reality
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  • The impact of media on collaborative 普通类

    This study examines an alternative function of information sharing – social construction of meaning. Drawing on social construction, social interaction, and task closure theories, we explored the influence of both the media environment in which students are situated and the medium that group members choose to communicate with one another on the intricate relationships among breadth of information sharing, depth of information sharing, and performance of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). A total of 126 students participated in the experiment – including 63 students (15 groups of four students and one group of three students) in the control and experimental groups respectively. Our findings show that most of the proposed hypotheses are supported. Intersubjective interpretation underlies groups information sharing and plays a key role in student learning performance. Evidence shows that when facing a relatively complex task in multimedia environments, students who choose to utilize a medium lower in social presence (i.e., electronic information sharing) are more likely to achieve task closure than a medium higher in social presence (i.e., verbal information sharing). This in turn leads to higher learning performance. The implications for both theory and pedagogy are also discussed.

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    • social
    • collaborative
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    • impact
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    • media
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    • perspective
    • construction
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