Computers & Education

  • Blended learning applied to the study 普通类

    This paper begins with a brief introduction to blended learning (BL), recognising the important contributions to learning that can be obtained from the use of methods which combine the New Information and Communications Technologies (NICT) with more traditional methods. The paper goes onto describe the bases, tasks and methodology for developing an online tool, using the most up-to-date technologies. Moreover, it presents an application about Mechanical Couplings (MC) developed for students of Mechanical Engineering in accordance with the described methodology. Among other things, this tool enables students to see simulations of coupling assembly, to consult data bases about the technical characteristics of very different existing couplings, to calculate and choose the right coupling for a specific application of power drive between machine shafts and to carry out self-evaluation tests. A very detailed experimental analysis is then conducted to quantify existing learning differences depending on whether the traditional mode (face-to-face instruction and note taking) is used or BL (a combination of face-to-face instruction with the online use of the MC application). This analysis is carried out using a quasi-experimental non equivalent control group design. The control and experimental groups, each composed of 30 students, were enrolled in the subject “Machine Technologies”. Exhaustive statistical treatment of the data is also included. The paper ends with the conclusions drawn, highlighting the fact that the use of the MC application, developed using New Information and Communications Technologies applied in a blended learning system, increased the level of knowledge of the students in the experimental group, since they obtained a higher average mark in the validated test. Moreover, it was shown to raise the knowledge of all students, which is of interest for an application to be useful from the teaching perspective.

    • blended
    • study
    • couplings
    • applied
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    • mechanical
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    • learning
    • engineering
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  • The impact of online video lecture 普通类

    To what extent a blended learning configuration of face-to-face lectures, online on-demand video recordings of the face-to-face lectures and the offering of online quizzes with appropriate feedback has an additional positive impact on the performance of these students compared to the traditional face-to-face course approach? In a between-subjects design in which students were randomly assigned to a group having access to the online lectures including multiple choice quizzes and appropriate feedback or to a group having access to the online lectures only, 474 students (161 men and 313 women) of a course on European Law agreed to participate in the experiment. By using regression analysis we found that the course grade of the students was predicted by their grade point average, their study discipline, their grade goal for the course, the expected difficulty-level of the course, the number of online lectures they viewed, the number of lectures the students attended in person and the interaction between the lectures they viewed online and attended in person. Students who attended few lectures had more benefit from viewing online lectures than students who attended many lectures. In contrast to our expectations, the regression analysis did not show a significant effect of automated feedback on student performance. Offering recordings of face-to-face lectures is an easy extension of a traditional course and is of practical importance, because it enables students who are often absent from the regular face-to-face lectures to be able to improve their course grade by viewing the lectures online. Article Outline

    • student
    • 提示
    • impact
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    • video
    • feedback
    • 学习内容
    • automated
    • pdf
    • performance
    • 需要
    • online
    • lecture
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